Shit I've Been Reading on Planes...
Friday, January 25, 2008

I spend quite a bit of time on planes. And the overwhelming majority of that time is spent in coach. Even if I'm fortunate enough to land an exit row seat, most planes simply aren't built for a 6'2" frame AND an open laptop. I try to work as much as I can, but the cramped space usually kills any motivation I started out with by the time they come down the isle to offer me a $5 bag of chips and a tiny plastic cup of water (cheap bastard airlines). So, I generally read to pass the time. At the end of each month I read the coming month's issues of Entrepreneur, Inc., and the now defunct Business 2.0. The rest of the month I read whichever paperback jumped out at me at the airport bookstore. Some are duds and some are really pretty good. I figured I'd give a shout out to a few of the winners of the last month or two. So without further adieu, I give to you:
Shit I've Been Reading On Planes

Water for Elephants, by Sarah Gruen, is a historical novel based on a seven-year stretch in the life of a depression-era vet medicine student who ditches school on the day of finals to run away with the circus. Sounds like a ridiculous premise, but its actually an incredibly witty, sometimes funny/sometimes horrifying glimpse into the world of carnies. I personally have had a lifeline discomfort with carnies, which now seems both completely justified and totally unfair at the same time. Blessed juxtaposition. A-

The Audacity of Hope is Barack Obama's second book, and is a poignant glimpse into his positions on some of the major issues facing the country. One hopes that he's really as real and approachable as the book suggests, and for the pundits who claim to be confused as to what his positions are on Immigration, Economics, Foreign Policy, Family, and the Like, this book does a pretty good job of putting it out there. A couple of the chapters move a bit slower than the others, but overall its a good read for those who are curious about Senator Obama. With Super Duper Tuesday approaching rapidly, it couldn't be a more timely read. B+

For those of you familiar with Augusten Burroughs' work (ex. Running With Scissors, Dry, Possible Side Effects), you're already familiar with his smartness, honesty, and at least marginally-perverted sense of humour. Sellevision is clearly written by the same author, but is a far more ridiculous novel about the lives and goings-on of the cast and management of a second-rate home shopping cable network. For those of you who, like me, find yourselves entertained by off-color, politically incorrect, and otherwise more or less offensive prose, I can guarantee a good read. The first two pages, after all, deliver a queer television host accidentally revealing his schmeckel in front of a room of children and a few million viewers. And it only goes downhill from there. Good times. A+

Finally, and most recently, I picked up My Boring-Ass Life by Kevin Smith. For those of you who don't know who the hell Kevin Smith is, I will say two things: First, we can no longer be friends. Second, if you wish to remain friends, go immediately to your local movie rental joint, video download site, or simply ask me if you can borrow Clerks, Mallrats, Hiatus, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back and Clerks II. Skip Jersey Girl, because it sucked. Watch the others back to back, without breaks for such foolish distractions as work, sleep, and socialization. The only excuses to break are the bathroom, food, snootchie-bootchies (not that I support such activities, but you'll get it after about five minutes of Mallrats), and, naturally, more food (becasue of the snootchies). My Boring-Ass Life is just that, a year long diary of the mostly mundane minutia of his days. Be warned, he leaves NOTHING out, no matter how personal. Its great, in a bizarre sort of way. A- (the minus is for its sheer weirdness, which will not appeal to some lamer folks)
That's all for now. Next week I'm off to Detroit.
Currently in Memphis, Tennessee
Currently listening to Daughtry - Feels Like Tonight
Labels: All Posts, Literature, Travel
posted by Dustin @ 1:31 PM,
- At January 27, 2008 at 12:34 PM, Char said...
Please do one of these blogs once a mo... I'm always looking for new reads. And if any of your friends don't know Kevin Smith we should get them on meds immediately! They're liable to commit genocide at any moment. And I'm going to b&n at this moment to order sellevision! If you like dean koontz and carnies I'm reading Twilight Eyes. The 'under' story is pretty interesting.
Miss you boo... lets get together soon!