Weekend in Review...
Monday, January 7, 2008
Saturday was a day of relaxation, for the most part. The only thing of interest (aside from an hour or so at Banana Republic) was the ABC/Facebook Presidential Debate. I'll be short and say that it was pretty interesting and solidified my preferred candidate(s) even further. 'Nuff said on that.
Saturday evening, the dog started coughing again. And she coughed. And coughed. She gets in the spells where she'll cough indefinitely if she's not calmed down, so all through the night we were up every 45 minutes to an hour to comfort her. Oy veh. For anyone who says caring for a pug isn't as tough as child rearing............
Yesterday was cool. A friend of mine from India is in town on a project, and we got to hang out for a few hours. Madhu and I were introduced by Lasitha, about whom I've written in earlier blogs. I showed him around town a bit and we ate at a local cajun place here called The Bayou. Indians generally like cajun cuisine, since its spicier and less bland than other American food.
Last night it was nice to have some new television to watch for the first time since The Writer's Strike began. Extreme Makeover:Home Edition had a psychic come in and make sure the ghosts in a house were okay with them demolishing it. That was a first. Desperate Housewives picked up where it left off and was its typical fabulous self. After that I watched about three minutes of the series preview for Cashmere Mafia before dismissing it as a cheap attempt to fill the hole Sex in the City left in our hearts. As much as I love Lucy Liu, it just didn't grab me.
Yeah...that's about it. Not the most "rockstaresque" weekend in the history of the world, but that's fine by me. I may be spending this coming weekend in LA, so perhaps a laid back couple of days is a good thing. More on that to come....
Currently listening to The Howard Stern Show
Labels: All Posts, Culture, Friends and Family, Politics, Relaxation
posted by Dustin @ 8:23 AM,