Ass and Masala Tea.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
So I'm in the Delhi airport in the business class lounge, waiting for my midnight flight. And someone nearby keeps farting. I hate typing that word, it feels so crass. But that's what's happening. And it smells like ass and masala...hence the title. Nasty.
I got up and moved. The smell returned. I began wondering if perhaps I'm tearing ass and not noticing, but alas, I am not. I assure you, 'tis the truth.
So here I sit, in an unescapable cloud of ass and masala. For another hour and a half or so. Then it's off to Memphis, where I shall post in more detail, including videos of camels, pictures of colleagues, and details of an impending return trip. Oy veh.
Currently in Delhi
Currently listening to Alanis Morissette - Tapes
posted by Dustin @ 11:47 AM,
Breaking Silence
Saturday, July 19, 2008
It appears I've done a piss-poor job of updating my

In what will surely go down as one of the sweatiest, most humid, and ultimately exhausting touristy things I've ever done, I went with a few of my clients to visit Akshardham, a newish temple just outside of Delhi that is a bit of a revival of traditional methods of Indian/Mughal architecture methods. In spite of creating an immediate need to launder every bit of fabric on my body, and the fact that the audio for a, yes, three hour tour of the grounds was exclusively in Hindi, it was a wonderful experience. We even made it just in time to participate in an evening prayer. It was a very cool evening.
That's really the only touristy thing I've done this trip, what with work and my general trend toward being lazy on the weekends and in the evenings and all. Furthermore, and not to sound unappreciative of my surroundings, I've spent quite a bit of time in this city over the last 15 months and have really seen most of the cooler sights. I DID, however, go see Hancock last weekend with my good friend Vikrant and his beautiful wife. Last year, Vik and I traveled all around India together, and managed to (mostly) stay out of's a picture of us in Bangalore for proof:

Anyway, I'm coming home on Thursday, about two weeks earlier than expected. I adore this country, but can't say I'm too disappointed about heading back early. The lake beckons me.
Currently in Gurgaon, India
Currently listening to The Howard Stern Show
posted by Dustin @ 8:56 AM,
Ah, The Joys of Travel...
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
That would be a picture of mom and I sometime around hour 8 at the Memphis airport.
The day started out innocently enough. The plan was to take mom to the airport around 8am for her 10am flight to Spokane, then drive back to the house to pick up Tim and Honey. Then we'd head to The Petshotel to get Honey checked in, and off to the airport in time for Tim's 1pm flight to Buffalo. I would hang out till my 4pm flight to Chicago then off to New Delhi.
At 7am, I got a call from Delta, informing me that mom's flight had been cancelled. Thus unfolds the following scenario:
08:00 - Leave for airport with Mom, her luggage, and my luggage.
08:45 - Check-in for flight to DEL. Luggage checked.
09:40 - Mom gets through a ridiculous line to ultimately check in for a 6pm flight out of Memphis. Luggage checked.
10:30 - Pick up Tim and Honey and Tim's luggage.
11:00 - Check Honey into The Petshotel and head to the airport.
11:30 - Arrive at the airport. Tim checks in for his flight. He gets upgraded. Bastard. Luggage checked.
12:00 - Make it through security and have a quick lunch before Tim boards his flight.
15:00 - After a leisurely beer or two with mom, head to the gate to see how close to boarding I am.
15:05 - Flight to Chicago delayed. Connection to Delhi will be missed. Damn. Damn, damn.
16:00 - Airlines typically only fly once to Delhi per day. Booked onto Tuesday's flight. The client kickoff will have to be pushed back a day.
17:30 - Fly to Chicago. I'll not be missing any more connections.
At any rate, I'm in Chicago till around 7pm tonight. Fortunately, being a Gold Marriott Rewards Member means they'll let me stay in the room till 3pm, so I won't have to spend six or seven hours at the airport. I may even meet up with an old Hewitt pal for lunch, since I'm stuck here anyway.
In other news, Tim made it to Buffalo and Mom made it to Spokane. And I'm heading to India tonight.
Currently in Chicago, Illinois
Currently watching MSNBC
posted by Dustin @ 7:57 AM,
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