Weekend Creativity...
Sunday, March 30, 2008

Howdy. I was feeling a bit creative this weekend after returning from Portland. So there's a new demo track on myspace over at www.myspace.com/dustincann called "What's it Gonna Take". As per usual, it is a demo, so no talking shit about the recording quality. Enjoy. Or don't. Whatever.
Labels: All Posts, General Bullshit, Music
posted by Dustin @ 9:02 PM,
Jealousy and Fear of the Dark.
Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Reverend Humpy just scored tickets to Iron Maiden. I'm jealous. Indescribably so.
On a side note, read his list of 25 of his favorite artists of all time. With the possible exception of Fear Factory, I agree on all accounts. Not that Fear Factory is "heinoo" or anything. Just not to be grouped with the others, IMHO. I would quickly and succinctly replace them with Jellyfish.
Labels: All Posts, Culture, Music
posted by Dustin @ 4:14 PM,
Apparently it's National Baby Travel Day...
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Yeah, the NINE children - and while I'm generally prone to exaggeration, I assure you I am not stretching any truth this time - count them 9 children surrounding me were not nearly so peaceful as the little one in the above picture on my five hour flight from Memphis to Seattle.
And while the aisle seat is usually quite my favorite due to the added ability to throw my long-ass legs into the aisle, the seemingly ONLY other adults on the plane were sitting in the window and center seat and were apparently pregnant, or so their requirement to go to the lav four times each on the flight (and never coordinated, natch) would suggest.
Anyway, bitch bitch bitch. I'm in Seattle waiting for my flight to Portland, which promises to be mercifully short yet surprisingly loud (it'll be on a tiny little prop, no doubt). And contrary to my incessant bitching, I'm in quite a good mood. Woot.
Currently in Seattle, Washington
Currently listening to Jamie Cullum - Twentysomething
posted by Dustin @ 3:20 PM,
Sirius deal wins Justice backing
Monday, March 24, 2008

Woot! I should've bought more stock.
Labels: All Posts, Culture, General Bullshit
posted by Dustin @ 2:36 PM,
More Shit I've Been Reading on Planes...
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

When last I wrote about Shit I've Been Reading on Planes, I was told by more than a few people that it should become a frequent visitor in my little corner of the blogiverse. And so once again, without further adieu, I give to you:
More Shit I've Been Reading On Planes

It's become quite apparent that Augusten Burroughs can't write anything that I'm not dispositioned to bloody well love. Magical Thinking is no exception. This time it's a collection of short stories and essays that had me at once giggly, weepy, and generally horrified. Gotta love it.

The Bhagavad Gita is taken from the Sanskrit Mahabharata, and can be considered one of Hinduism's most important pieces of guiding literature. It's full of good philosophy, but I'd urge any of my Western friends to pick up a copy with a good preface that will give you a quick crash course in the basic concepts and verbiage of Hinduism, as they're referenced throughout "the Gita" with an expectation that the reader is somewhat aware. Once you educate yourself about dharma and karma, Brahman, and "the Self", you're ready to rock on some really vivid imagery and philosophy. Snoogens.

Though I've been aware of it for years, it was one of my long-time best friends, the most pious Reverend Humpy, who finally urged me to sit down and read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. It offers an extremely practical explanation of some of the easier to digest principles of Zen Buddhism from the perspective of a dude and his son on a cross-country motorcycle trip. Pretty damned good indeed.

Finally, The No Asshole Rule. To be fair, I haven't yet read this. In fact, it's in the mail and should be arriving for my plane reading pleasure this Friday. I'll be flying to Portland next week, so I'll give you an update then. But the gist is that corporate leaders should not employ assholes, and that we as employees should not be assholes. How can you argue with that? More to come.
Labels: All Posts, Literature, Travel
posted by Dustin @ 9:30 PM,
Speaking of Queen...
The new Queen+Paul Rodgers single/video, "Say It's Not True". Personally, I've struggled with new Queen material. Nothing against Paul Rodgers, but it just feels weird. Anyway, no doubt it's a good song, and Brian May and Roger Taylor sound as badass as ever. The first part is pretty low key, but hang in for the big-effing guitar and drums about two and a half minutes in.
Just thought I'd share it and open the floor for your thoughts. Enjoy?
Labels: All Posts, Culture, Music
posted by Dustin @ 6:27 PM,
40 Minutes Well Worth It...
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Earlier today, Barack Obama spoke to a crowd in Philadelphia. The main purpose was to make clear his stance on controversial remarks made by his former pastor, Jeremiah Wright. I tend to make my political commentary on this blog as scarce as possible, but I had to share this.
The video is about 40 minutes long, but it's entirely worth it. Not because I think Barack is the solution to all the world's problems, but because the last five minutes of the speech, having built up the context over the first 35, brought me to tears. And whether you think Barack is the best choice for our next president or an inexperienced opportunist, any politician that can inspire my generation to act and can activate emotion in the way he does is worth hearing out. Natch.
posted by Dustin @ 3:42 PM,
Boats, India, BMWs, and the godhood of Brian May...
Friday, March 14, 2008
Even though my last post was just over a week ago, it feels like I've been "away" for some time, so here's a few updates:
Two weekends ago the temperature around here was hitting mid 70F's. It took all of my super powers to resist dewinterizing the boat then and there and hitting the lake straight away. But alas, The Weather Channel was telling us to prepare for more below freezing temperatures. That seemed impossible. Fast forward to last Friday evening, when the drive to Arkansas was derailed two hours in when we hadn't made it as far as we normally would in a half an hour due to the blizzard to end all blizzards. In March. In Memphis. Good thing the boat was still put up. And here we are, a mere week later, and it's currently 70F.
You Republicans out there still think there's no such thing as global climate change?
Anywho, we're heading back to the lake tonight so these guys can dewinterize the boat tomorrow. Hopefully in the next few weeks it will be warm enough to take it out. After that, you'll know where to find me every weekend till November. Snap.

And it appears I may be heading back to India in short order. I'm not sure of the timeframe or duration, or really even the location. I have a strong suspicion this client will be based in Gujarat, a fact that only makes me nervous because of it's proximity to the Pakistani border. From what I gather, Gujarat is more or less safe, but it is indeed quite close to a country that is currently flirting with turmoil. But I'll be cautiously optimistic. Besides, I love India. I'm down with another (moderately) short (meaning 3-4 weeks) trip. I just wish it was back in Delhi or Mumbai. C'est la vie.

Tim bought a BMW 328i on Wednesday. I haven't taken a picture of his yet, but the one above is pretty close. I won't spend much time on this topic except to say I made him buy it to mitigate his ever-growing obsession with having one. Many hours were spent looking at car-porn on the internet in the days leading up to the big jump. He is now free to drive his very own beemer to his heart's content. Or at least till he gets sick of paying sick amounts for gas and goes back to mostly driving my Prius. Then I get a beemer. Woot.

Finally, and most fantastically, I've been listening to alot of Queen lately. Lest anyone forget, Brian May is tied for the prize of best-fucking-guitar-tone-ever with David Gilmour, a prize that must be shared between the two for reasons understood by at least myself, and probably more than a few others out there. I would characterize my style of guitar playing as "a hack trying to play in the style of David Gilmour with the tone of Brian May and the badass delay addiction of The Edge". While I consider myself to be a decent enough guitar player for my needs, note that the operative word in that characterization is "hack", for in comparison to these legends, I am more like the completely non-musical video game nerd who thinks the ability to kick Slash's ass on Guitar Hero makes one a virtuouso.
Back to Brian May. He is a god. He is the reason I own a Vox. He laid down some crazy shit before studios could digitally quintuplicate one's guitar prowess. So dust off your old Innuendo record, and if you don't have one, get thee hence to iTunes and remedy that fault inmediatamente.
Currently in Memphis, Tennessee
Currently listening to Queen - Killer Queen
Labels: All Posts, Music, Toys, Travel
posted by Dustin @ 1:04 PM,
It's Difficult.....
Thursday, March 6, 2008

In case you didn't know, it's difficult to take a picture of your own shoulder. That's my new tattoo, at a bit of an angle. It's actually circular, if you couldn't tell by the picture. I dig the heck out of it. If any of you Memphians are in the market for some ink, I highly recommend going to see Nico Roussin at Underground Art in the next week and a half. He's a visiting artist from Paris, he kicks ass, and you should take advantage of his mad skill while you can. Sweet.
To me, the lotus flower represents detachment from the dumber distractions in life. Here's one more official explanation:
"In the Bhagavad Gita, man is adjured to be like the lotus--he should work without attachment, dedicating his actions to God--untouched by sin like water on a lotus leaf and the beautiful flower standing high above the mud and water."
In the center of the flower is the Sanskrit symbol for "Om". Om, in Hindu culture, is the divine tone. It is the most basic, unified representation of Brahman, which is the Divine Ground of "all matter, energy, time, space, being, and everything beyond in this Universe." To me it's a reminder that everything is connected at the most basic level.
Together, the lotus and Om will hopefully remind me of the better and most innocent parts of life, remind me not to expect more from people than I should, and remind me of the all-too-cliche "golden rule".
Plus it looks freakin' cool. Snootchies.
Labels: All Posts, Culture, General Bullshit
posted by Dustin @ 7:48 AM,
R.I.P. Jeff Healey
Monday, March 3, 2008

A great talent has passed. Jeff Healey, an incredible blues guitarist (who happened to have been blind since age 1), died yesterday due to complications from a very rare type of cancer.
Some of you may remember his 1988 hit "Angel Eyes", but likely missed out on everything that happened after. His radio tunes were a little cheesy, but his guitar skills were unquestionable. I had the privilege of seeing him perform live about two years ago at his club in Toronto, and let me tell you, it was one of the most entertaining and intriguing performances I've seen in a long time.
His first record in eight years is due out later this month, and he's survived by his wife and two young children. I'm a little bummed.
Anywho, I thought he deserved a mention. Cheers, Jeff.
Labels: All Posts, Culture, Music
posted by Dustin @ 8:48 AM,
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