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Help. I Think I'm a Rockstar.

Musings of a former rockstar-in-the-making who sold out to The Man and now collects regular paychecks in corporate America and gets to eat more frequently. Views on music, travel, culture, relaxation, politics, toys, and other general bullshit.

Well Hello There, 2009...
Sunday, January 4, 2009

It appears we have a new year. Twenty-oh-eight is over, although I'm convinced it wasn't a full 12 months. Didn't feel like it, anyway. Yet here we are. January 2009. What will it bring? Who can know.

But I have goals. Not resolutions, which almost never work. But goals.

Like, I will become more skilled in the studio. I'm getting better toys, and I'm getting better at using them. But I have a long way to go. So that's a goal.

And, I'm going to rock at work. The last few years have been exciting and challenging. This year will be the best yet. That's a goal.

I'm going to make more time for my friends. All too often, we get into a routine and don't venture out to see the people that matter to us as much as we ought to. I'm not saying I'll venture into midtown every night, but more than I have been. That's a goal.

I'm not going to quit school. Ugh. Even though the life of a professional adult student can get a little overwhelming, it's worth it. I'm not in any hurry to knock out this degree, but I'm going to continue to cut away at it one or two classes at a time. And I will maintain my rockin' GPA. That's a goal.

Finally, I'm going to get into shape. Not that I would consider myself fat, per se. But extensive business travel with little discipline has definitely taken it's toll. Tomorrow (quite literally) will bring 1200-1400 calorie days and regular trips to the gym (fortunately located just up the stairs, thanks to the Bowflex and recumbent bike, or just down the elevator in hotels). Gotta get my groove back before boating season starts up again. That's a goal.

That's about it, I suppose. I'll try not to suck at most everything I do, and will love those I love and be loved by those who love me. Everything else is icing on the cake, so to speak.

Currently in Memphis, Tennessee
Currently listening to Imogen Heap - Speak For Yourself


posted by Dustin @ 7:44 PM,

Christmas, She is a-Comin'...
Thursday, December 18, 2008

Not sure how, but it appears we managed to finish 2008, more or less...I'm not heading to Spokane for Christmas. I've been traveling pretty heavily this year, and the next couple of weeks seem to be my chance to effectively recharge the ole batteries before things get cracking again in January. So, it's off to the lake place to vegetate and accomplish very little (as well as a day at the farm for the holiday).

Aside from that, just keeping busy and makin' stuff happen.

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posted by Dustin @ 1:49 PM,

Happy November.
Monday, November 24, 2008

So, I'm back from my most recent trip to India. I think I'm done with that for a bit. About to spend a week in Portland, Oregon followed by a week in sunny Joplin, Missouri. Then I'm taking the last half of December off. Much needed.

I'm curious how many folks have checked out my newest method for keeping people up to date (see previous posting). Do you like it? Should I stick with it, or come back to this? Opinions, por favor...

Currently in Memphis, Tennessee
Currently listening to Guns n' Roses - Chinese Democrace


posted by Dustin @ 9:15 AM,

Trying something new...again...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

It's become apparent that I don't have the attention span and/or time to properly manage a regular blog on a daily (or even weekly, sometimes) basis. By the end of a full day of looking at computers, just about the last thing I want to do is spend what remaining energy I have crafting some witty thing to post. Furthermore, I'm a sucker for new trends, and regular blogs are becoming a bit passé.

With that in mind, I'm trying something new.

DustinCann.com is formatted to show bits and bytes of my travels and goings-on in whatever format I have the time and energy to knock out. Sometimes, that will mean tweets, other times that will mean vlogs, and still others, full-on text blogs. We'll give this a go for a bit and see how she flies.


posted by Dustin @ 3:20 PM,

A Foggy Day in London Town
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

More to come when I have time, but here's a few quick clips from my insanely-dorky day of hardcore tourist activity, for anyone who cares enough to click on them:

Currently in London, England
Currently listening to Imogen Heap - Headlock

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posted by Dustin @ 11:18 AM,

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